Building generic NXCALS queries
NXCALS is capable of handling systems that do not comply to the CMW model based on device/property. For use cases other than CMW, a more generic, dictionary-like approach should be favored in order to construct queries for fetching data. NXCALS Data Extraction API provides such functionality via its DataQuery builder.
Basic byEntities() queries
In this case, each key-value pair, targets a specific entity key (as described by the entity/partition/schema rules that define a system).
By those rules, a CMW specific query, can be translated to DataQuery as follows:
cmwData = DataQuery.builder(spark).byEntities().system('CMW') \
.startTime('2018-06-15 00:00:00.000').endTime('2018-06-17 00:00:00.000') \
.entity() \
.keyValue('device', 'CPS.TGM') \
.keyValue('property', 'FULL-TELEGRAM.STRC').build()
cmwDataPoint = DataQuery.builder(spark).byEntities() \
.system('CMW').atTime('2018-06-16 11:34:42.000') \
.entity() \
.keyValue('device', 'CPS.TGM') \
.keyValue('property', 'FULL-TELEGRAM.STRC').build()
Dataset<Row> cmwData = DataQuery.builder(spark).byEntities().system("CMW")
.startTime("2018-06-15 00:00:00.000").endTime("2018-06-17 00:00:00.000")
.keyValue("device", "CPS.TGM")
.keyValue("property", "FULL-TELEGRAM.STRC").build();
Dataset<Row> cmwDataPoint = DataQuery.builder(spark).byEntities()
.system("CMW").atTime("2018-06-16 11:34:42.000")
.keyValue("device", "CPS.TGM")
.keyValue("property", "FULL-TELEGRAM.STRC").build();
val cmwData = DataQuery.builder(spark).byEntities().system("CMW").
startTime("2018-06-15 00:00:00.000").endTime("2018-06-17 00:00:00.000").
keyValue("device", "CPS.TGM").
keyValue("property", "FULL-TELEGRAM.STRC").build()
val cmwDataPoint = DataQuery.builder(spark).byEntities().
system("CMW").atTime("2018-06-16 11:34:42.000").
keyValue("device", "CPS.TGM").
keyValue("property", "FULL-TELEGRAM.STRC").build()
The same generic builder can be used for WINCCOA specific query where instead of device, property keys we use a variable_name:
winccoaData = DataQuery.builder(spark).byEntities().system('WINCCOA') \
.startTime('2018-06-15 00:00:00.000').endTime('2018-06-17 00:00:00.000') \
.entity().keyValue('variable_name', 'MB.C16L2:U_HDS_3').build()
Dataset<Row> winccoaData = DataQuery.builder(spark).byEntities().system("WINCCOA")
.startTime("2018-06-15 00:00:00.000").endTime("2018-06-17 00:00:00.000")
.entity().keyValue("variable_name", "MB.C16L2:U_HDS_3").build();
val winccoaData = DataQuery.builder(spark).byEntities().system("WINCCOA").
startTime("2018-06-15 00:00:00.000").endTime("2018-06-17 00:00:00.000").
entity().keyValue("variable_name", "MB.C16L2:U_HDS_3").build()
Basic byVariables() queries
So far, we have seen how to construct queries (even generic ones) for targeting entities specific to a given system. Those queries are dedicated for cases when a user already knows entity keys (system specific fields) of a target entity.
Alternatively, we can use a functionality which originates from CALS service: variables. Conceptually variables should be considered as pointers to entities and can be used for querying of the data produced by different devices, having different schemas (collection of fields).
Existing CALS variables will be migrated to NXCALS and it will be possible to query them directly via the new system API.
# source the nxcals query builders
from import *
data = DataQuery.builder(spark).byVariables().system('CMW') \
.startTime('2018-06-15 23:00:00.000').endTime('2018-06-16 00:00:00.000') \
dataPoint = DataQuery.builder(spark).byVariables().system('CMW') \
.atTime('2018-06-15 21:01:01.400') \
// source the nxcals query builders
Dataset<Row> data = DataQuery.builder(spark).byVariables().system("CMW")
.startTime("2018-06-15 23:00:00.000").endTime("2018-06-16 00:00:00.000")
Dataset<Row> dataPoint = DataQuery.builder(spark).byVariables().system("CMW")
.atTime("2018-06-15 21:01:01.400").variable("CPS.TGM:CYCLE").build();
// source the nxcals query builders
val data = DataQuery.builder(spark).byVariables().system("CMW").
startTime("2018-06-15 23:00:00.000").endTime("2018-06-16 00:00:00.000").
val dataPoint = DataQuery.builder(spark).byVariables().system("CMW").
atTime("2018-06-15 21:01:01.400").variable("CPS.TGM:CYCLE").build()
It produces dataset that has specific schema (it includes variable name):
|-- nxcals_entity_id: long (nullable = true)
|-- nxcals_timestamp: long (nullable = true)
|-- nxcals_value: integer (nullable = true)
|-- nxcals_variable_name: string (nullable = false)
as can been in the query output:;
|nxcals_entity_id| nxcals_timestamp|nxcals_value|nxcals_variable_name|
| 46955|1529103628300000000| 8| CPS.TGM:CYCLE|
| 46955|1529103809500000000| 5| CPS.TGM:CYCLE|
| 46955|1529104249900000000| 1| CPS.TGM:CYCLE|
| 46955|1529104325500000000| 2| CPS.TGM:CYCLE|
| 46955|1529104411900000000| 9| CPS.TGM:CYCLE|
| 46955|1529105637100000000| 8| CPS.TGM:CYCLE|
| 46955|1529106096700000000| 12| CPS.TGM:CYCLE|
| 46955|1529106246700000000| 18| CPS.TGM:CYCLE|
| 46955|1529103623500000000| 5| CPS.TGM:CYCLE|
| 46955|1529103702700000000| 8| CPS.TGM:CYCLE|
only showing top 10 rows
Multiple variables can be combined into a single query builder as in the example below. As well it is possible to use simultaneously variable() and variableLike() methods:
data2 = DataQuery.builder(spark).byVariables() \
.system('CMW') \
.startTime('2018-07-20 13:38:00.000').endTime('2018-07-20 13:39:00.000') \
.variable('LHC.BOFSU:TUNE_B1_H') \
.variable('LHC.BOFSU:TUNE_B1_V') \
Dataset<Row> data2 = DataQuery.builder(spark).byVariables()
.startTime("2018-07-20 13:38:00.000").endTime("2018-07-20 13:39:00.000")
val data2 = DataQuery.builder(spark).byVariables().
startTime("2018-07-20 13:38:00.000").endTime("2018-07-20 13:39:00.000").
Combining of different variables may lead to ''IncompatibleSchemaPromotionException' as demonstrated in the snippet below when scalars are being extracted together with vectors:
data3 = DataQuery.builder(spark).byVariables() \
.system('CMW') \
.startTime('2017-01-20 03:30:00.000').endTime('2020-08-20 13:45:00.000') \
.variableLike('LHC.BOFSU:TUNE_B1_%') \
.variable('LHC.BOFSU:OFC_DEFLECT_H') \
Dataset<Row> data3 = DataQuery.builder(spark).byVariables()
.startTime("2018-07-20 13:38:00.000").endTime("2018-07-20 13:39:00.000")
val data3 = DataQuery.builder(spark).byVariables().
startTime("2018-07-20 13:38:00.000").endTime("2018-07-20 13:39:00.000").
Please refer to multiple schemas for more information.
Usage of wildcard characters in query builders
This section describes special characters that can be used in different query builders.
For each query builder methods such as: keyValue, keyValues, device, property, parameter and variable Data Access API provides equivalent "Like" methods allowing usage of wildcard characters: keyValueLike, keyValuesLike, deviceLike, propertyLike, parameterLike and variableLike.
Only 2 types of wildcards characters are allowed:
- % The percent wildcard specifies that any characters can appear in multiple positions represented by the wildcard.
- _ The underscore wildcard specifies a single position in which any character can occur.
"Non Like" and "Like" methods can be combined in the same query builder like in the example below:
df = DataQuery.builder(spark).byEntities().system('CMW') \
.startTime('2018-04-29 00:00:00.000').endTime('2018-04-30 00:00:00.000') \
.entity().keyValue('device', 'LHC.LUMISCAN.DATA') \
.keyValueLike('property', 'CrossingAngleIP%') \
Dataset<Row> df = DataQuery.builder(spark).byEntities().system("CMW")
.startTime("2018-04-29 00:00:00.000").endTime("2018-04-30 00:00:00.000")
.entity().keyValue("device", "LHC.LUMISCAN.DATA")
.keyValueLike("property", "CrossingAngleIP%")
val df = DataQuery.builder(spark).byEntities().system('CMW').
startTime('2018-04-29 00:00:00.000').endTime('2018-04-30 00:00:00.000').
entity().keyValue("device", "LHC.LUMISCAN.DATA").
keyValueLike("property", "CrossingAngleIP%").