Class |
Description |
AbstractProvider<K extends Identifiable,C extends FeignQuerySupport<K>,Q extends<Q>> |
Abstract class for data providers.
AbstractValueFilter<T extends> |
AcceptStrategies |
AcceptStrategy |
Defines strategy to be used by the publication retryer to decide whether a given exception, obtained while sending
a message to NXCALS, can be re-tried.
AcquiredParameterValuesService |
AggregationConstants |
AggregationFunction |
AggregationFunctions |
Defines all available data aggregation functions
AggregationService |
Represents a service for data aggregation actions, as configured by the provided properties.
AggregationServiceFactory |
AnyPriorTime |
An implementation that allows to set any time with any description.
AuthTokenProvider |
AvroData |
Contains the Avro records encoded with the default Avro file encoding as bytes.
AvroData.Builder |
Contains the Avro records encoded with the default Avro file encoding as bytes.
AvroDataOrBuilder |
AvroQuery |
Name comes from the fact that we have to pass the compression codec that relates only with Avro.
AvroQuery.Builder |
Name comes from the fact that we have to pass the compression codec that relates only with Avro.
AvroQuery.Codec |
Protobuf enum cern.nxcals.api.extraction.thin.AvroQuery.Codec
AvroQueryOrBuilder |
BackportUtils |
BackupException |
BackupStrategies |
BackupStrategies.BackupConfig |
BackupStrategies.BackupConfig.BackupConfigBuilder |
BackupStrategies.BackupEventListener |
BackupStrategy<T> |
Backup Strategy for the rejected messages.
BackupStrategy.DataPartition<T> |
BackupStrategy.DataPartition.DataPartitionBuilder<T> |
BeamMode |
BeamMode |
Protobuf type cern.nxcals.api.extraction.thin.BeamMode
BeamMode.Builder |
Protobuf type cern.nxcals.api.extraction.thin.BeamMode
BeamModeOrBuilder |
BeamModeSet |
BeamModeValue |
The Beam Mode Value
ClientSelectionDataCriteria |
CombinedFilter |
CompactionClient |
Feign declarative service interface for consuming Compaction service.
Constants |
Holder class for constants common to both frontend (builders) and backend (api) layers.
CreateEntityRequest |
CreateEntityRequest.Builder |
DataAccessException |
DataDistributionBin |
DataDistributionBinSet |
DataLookupUtils |
DataQuery |
DataQuery |
DataServiceEncoder<K,P,S,T> |
DataServiceEncoderImpl |
DatasetAggregationProperties |
DatasetAggregationProperties.DatasetAggregationPropertiesBuilder |
DatasetCreator<T extends cern.nxcals.common.domain.ExtractionTask> |
DatasourceIdentifier |
The DatasourceIdentifier represents a data source.
DateUtils |
DelayedQueueBuffer<T extends java.util.concurrent.Delayed> |
DerivationSelection |
Defines the correction algorithms to apply for correcting data.
DevicePropertyDataQuery |
DevicePropertyDataQuery |
DeviceStage<T> |
DeviceStageLoop<T> |
DynamicTimeDuration |
Entity |
Entity.Builder |
Entity.InnerBuilder |
EntityAliasStage<N extends<?,T>,T> |
EntityChangelog |
EntityChangelog.Builder |
EntityChangelog.InnerBuilder |
EntityChangelogClient |
Feing declarative service interface for consuming EntityChangelog service.
EntityChangelogService |
EntityClient |
Feign declarative service interface for consuming EntityService.
EntityHistory |
EntityHistory.Builder |
EntityHistory.InnerBuilder |
EntityResourceClient |
Feign declarative service interface for consuming Entity Resource service.
EntitySchema |
EntitySchema.Builder |
EntitySchema.InnerBuilder |
EntitySchemaClient |
Feign declarative service interface for consuming Schema service.
EntitySchemaService |
EntityService |
Public access to NXCALS entities.
EntityStage<N extends<?,T>,T> |
ExpandableAggregationFunction |
ExtractionProperties |
ExtractionProperties.ExtractionPropertiesBuilder |
ExtractionService |
Represents a service for data extraction actions, as configured by the provided properties.
ExtractionServiceFactory |
ExtractionServiceGrpc |
ExtractionServiceGrpc.ExtractionServiceBlockingStub |
ExtractionServiceGrpc.ExtractionServiceFutureStub |
ExtractionServiceGrpc.ExtractionServiceImplBase |
ExtractionServiceGrpc.ExtractionServiceStub |
ExtractionServiceOuterClass |
ExtractionUtils |
FeignBuilderProvider |
FeignQuerySupport<S> |
FillData |
Protobuf type cern.nxcals.api.extraction.thin.FillData
FillData.Builder |
Protobuf type cern.nxcals.api.extraction.thin.FillData
FillDataOrBuilder |
FillQueryByNumber |
Protobuf type cern.nxcals.api.extraction.thin.FillQueryByNumber
FillQueryByNumber.Builder |
Protobuf type cern.nxcals.api.extraction.thin.FillQueryByNumber
FillQueryByNumberOrBuilder |
FillQueryByWindow |
Protobuf type cern.nxcals.api.extraction.thin.FillQueryByWindow
FillQueryByWindow.Builder |
Protobuf type cern.nxcals.api.extraction.thin.FillQueryByWindow
FillQueryByWindowOrBuilder |
FillService |
FillServiceFactory |
FillServiceGrpc |
FillServiceGrpc.FillServiceBlockingStub |
FillServiceGrpc.FillServiceFutureStub |
FillServiceGrpc.FillServiceImplBase |
FillServiceGrpc.FillServiceStub |
FillServiceOuterClass |
Filter |
FilterFactory |
Allows to create filters.
FilterFactory.Factory<T> |
FilterOperand |
The ValueFiltering defines the possible types of filters to apply
Filters |
FilterVisitor |
FundamentalData |
FundamentalUtils |
Group |
Group.Builder |
Group.InnerBuilder |
GroupClient |
GroupProvider |
GroupService |
GssKerberosContext |
Hierarchy |
Hierarchy |
Hierarchy.Builder |
Hierarchy.InnerBuilder |
HierarchyChangelog |
HierarchyChangelog.Builder |
HierarchyChangelog.InnerBuilder |
HierarchyChangelogClient |
Feign declarative service interface for consuming HierarchyChangelog service.
HierarchyChangelogProvider |
Implementation of InternalHierarchyChangelogService for getting HierarchyChangelog objects
HierarchyChangelogService |
HierarchyClient |
HierarchyService |
HierarchySet |
HierarchyVariablesChangelog |
HierarchyVariablesChangelog.Builder |
HierarchyVariablesChangelog.InnerBuilder |
HierarchyVariablesChangelogClient |
Feign declarative service interface for consuming HierarchyVariablesChangelog service.
HierarchyVariablesChangelogProvider |
HierarchyVariablesChangelogService |
HierarchyView |
Identifiable |
IllegalRecordRuntimeException |
Thrown when record cannot be accepted due to contract violation (size, nb or fields, etc)
Created by jwozniak on 26/10/16.
IncompatibleSchemaPromotionException |
InternalServiceClientFactory |
JapcParameterDefinition |
JapcParameterDefinition.JapcParameterDefinitionBuilder |
KerberosAuthenticationException |
KerberosContext |
KerberosTokenProvider |
KerberosTokenProvider.KerberosTokenProviderBuilder |
KeyValues |
Wrapper that provides a way to identify quickly if the key values are identical or not.
KeyValueStage<T> |
KeyValueStageLoop<T> |
LHCFill |
LHCFillDataService |
LHCFillSet |
LoggingTimeInterval |
The Enum LoggingTimeInterval is used to represent a time interval
LoggingTimeZone |
LogicalFilter |
LookupStrategy |
MetaDataService |
MultiColumnTimeseriesDataSet |
MultiTimeseriesDataSet |
MultiTimeseriesDataSet.Builder |
NumericFilter |
OperationType |
Partition |
Partition.Builder |
Partition.InnerBuilder |
PartitionClient |
Feign declarative service interface for consuming Partition service.
PartitionProperties |
PartitionProperties.Builder |
PartitionResource |
PartitionResource.Builder |
PartitionResource.InnerBuilder |
PartitionResourceClient |
PartitionResourceService |
PartitionService |
PriorTime |
PropertiesKeys |
Paths in configuration enclosed in enum.
PropertyStage<T> |
PublicationRetryer<T> |
PublicationRetryer.PublicationRetryerBuilder<T> |
Publisher<V> |
NXCALS Ingestion API main interface.
Publisher.Constants |
PublisherFactory |
The main entry point to the NXCALS service.
Queryable<S,Q extends<Q>> |
Query interface defining methods available on all services used for searching.
QueryData<T> |
QueryDatasetProvider<T> |
QuerySnapshotDataService |
QuerySnapshotDataServiceImpl |
RbacTokenProvider |
RbacTokenProvider.RbacTokenProviderBuilder |
RecordKey |
This class represents the Kafka record key for ingested data.
RecordKey.RecordKeyBuilder |
RecordTooBigRuntimeException |
Thrown when record exceeds 1MB.
RecoveryStrategies |
RecoveryStrategies.RecoveryConfig |
RecoveryStrategy |
Recovery strategy for the rejected data stored outside of the publisher jvm.
Resource |
Resource.Builder |
Result |
Defines result of publication.
RetryConfig |
RetryConfig.RetryConfigBuilder |
Retryer<T> |
Retries sending a message to NXCALS.
ScaleAlgorithm |
The Enum ScaleAlgorithm is used to retrieve scale algorithms for time scaling operations
ScriptProducer |
Creates an executable script that can be sent to the Thin Api server for execution.
SecurityAwareFeignClient |
NXCALS Implementation of feign Client .
SecurityAwareFeignClient.SecurityAwareFeignClientBuilder |
Serializer<T> |
ServiceBuilder |
A builder that allows the users to create services to access the logging data.
ServiceClientFactory |
Public API to access NXCALS Meta-Services.
ServiceFactory |
Services |
ServiceUrlSanitizer |
SimpleJapcParameter |
SimpleJapcParameter.SimpleJapcParameterBuilder |
SimplePriorTime |
SimpleSnapshotVariableBean |
Snapshot |
SnapshotCriteria |
SnapshotCriteria.SnapshotCriteriaBuilder |
SnapshotProperties |
SnapshotPropertyName |
SparkDatasetProducer |
SparkExtractionTaskExecutor |
SparkRowToImmutableDataConverter |
SparkSessionFlavor |
SparkTimeseriesData |
SparkTimeseriesData.SparkTimeseriesDataBuilder |
SparkTimeseriesDataSet |
StageSequenceDeviceProperty |
StageSequenceEntities |
StageSequenceVariables |
StringFilter |
SystemSpec |
SystemSpec.Builder |
SystemSpec.InnerBuilder |
SystemSpecClient |
Feign declarative service interface for consuming System service..
SystemSpecService |
SystemData provider Service interface.
SystemStage<N extends<?,T>,T> |
TimeEndStage<N extends<?,T>,T> |
TimescalingProperties |
Timescale properties class for time scaling purpose.
TimeseriesAccessConstants |
TimeseriesData |
TimeseriesDataService |
TimeseriesDataSet |
TimeseriesDataSetFactory |
TimeseriesDataSetMatrix |
TimeseriesDataSetMetaData |
TimestampFactory |
TimeStartStage<N extends<?,T>,T> |
TimeWindow |
TimeWindow |
TimeWindow |
Protobuf type cern.nxcals.api.extraction.thin.TimeWindow
TimeWindow.Builder |
Protobuf type cern.nxcals.api.extraction.thin.TimeWindow
TimeWindowOrBuilder |
TimeWindowSet |
ValueFilter<T extends> |
Variable |
Variable |
Variable.Builder |
Variable.InnerBuilder |
Variable.VariableBuilder |
VariableAliasStage<T> |
VariableChangelog |
VariableChangelog.Builder |
VariableChangelog.InnerBuilder |
VariableChangelogClient |
Feign declarative service interface for consuming VariableChangelog service.
VariableChangelogService |
VariableClient |
Feign declarative service interface for consuming Variable service.
VariableConfig |
VariableConfig.Builder |
VariableConfig.InnerBuilder |
VariableConfigChangelog |
VariableConfigChangelog.Builder |
VariableConfigChangelog.InnerBuilder |
VariableConfigChangelogClient |
Feign declarative service interface for consuming VariableConfigChangelog service.
VariableConfigChangelogService |
VariableDataType |
The VariableDataType defines the possible types of a variable
VariableDeclaredType |
This enum represents a declared type on a variable which is desired by the user.
VariableHierarchies |
VariableHierarchies.Builder |
VariableHierarchyIds |
VariableHierarchyIds.Builder |
VariableIdentity |
VariableList |
VariableListSet |
VariableService |
VariableSet |
VariableStage<T> |
VariableStageLoop<T> |
VariableStatistics |
VariableStatistics.VariableStatisticsBuilder |
VariableStatisticsSet |
VariableType |
VectornumericElements |
VectornumericElementsSet |
VectorRestriction |
The VectorNumericFilterSelection defines the possible selection applied for filtering vector numeric value
VectorValueFilter<T extends> |
Versionable |
Visibility |
WindowAggregationProperties |
WindowAggregationProperties.WindowAggregationPropertiesBuilder |