Interface TimeseriesDataService

  • public interface TimeseriesDataService
    • Method Detail

      • getDataForMultipleVariablesAggregatedInFixedIntervals

        TimeseriesDataSet getDataForMultipleVariablesAggregatedInFixedIntervals​(VariableSet variables,
                                                                                java.sql.Timestamp startTime,
                                                                                java.sql.Timestamp endTime,
                                                                                TimescalingProperties timescaleProperties)
        Gets a TimeseriesDataSet containing the timeseries data for the given Variables between the given timestamps. This data will be aggregated so the returned values and timestamps will be derived from the available data according to the given algorithm and frequency.
        variables - - the variables for which to get time series data. This can be extracted using the MetaDataServiceImpl
        startTime - - Start of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object which can be created by Timestamp startTime = Timestamp.valueOf("2012-01-01 12:00:00"); Note this should represent the local time.
        endTime - - End of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object. NOTE the format must be the JDBC escape format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
        timescaleProperties - - Object representing the scale algorithm and frequency to be applied, This object can be found at TimescalingProperties
        the TimeseriesDataSet - REMEMBER in the case of Measurements and Logging - all data is time stamped according to UTC!
      • getDataAlignedToTimestamps

        TimeseriesDataSet getDataAlignedToTimestamps​(Variable variable,
                                                     TimeseriesDataSet drivingDataSet)
        Gets a TimeseriesDataSet containing for the given variable with timestamps which correspond to timestamps from the drivingDataSet. If there is no value which corresponds to a timestamp from the drivingDataSet the previous value for the variable in the database will be given the stamp and added to the TimeseriesDataSet.
        variable - - the variable for which to get time series data. This can be extracted using the MetaDataServiceImpl
        drivingDataSet - - TimeseriesDataSet used to provide the timestamps which are used to determine the timestamps in the returned TimeseriesDataSet.
        the TimeseriesDataSet - REMEMBER in the case of Measurements and Logging - all data is time stamped according to UTC!
      • getDataInTimeWindowFilteredByFundamentals

        TimeseriesDataSet getDataInTimeWindowFilteredByFundamentals​(Variable variable,
                                                                    java.sql.Timestamp startTime,
                                                                    java.sql.Timestamp endTime,
                                                                    VariableSet fundamentals)
        Gets a TimeseriesDataSet containing all the values for the given variable between the given timestamps which correspond to the given fundamental variables.
        variable - - the variable for which to get time series data. This can be extracted using the MetaDataServiceImpl
        startTime - - Start of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object which can be created by Timestamp startTime = Timestamp.valueOf("2012-01-01 12:00:00"); Note this should represent the local time.
        endTime - - End of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object. NOTE the format must be the JDBC escape format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
        fundamentals - - Fundamental variableSet to filter results with. This can be extracted using the MetaDataServiceImpl
        the TimeseriesDataSet - REMEMBER in the case of Measurements and Logging - all data is time stamped according to UTC!
      • getDataInTimeWindow

        TimeseriesDataSet getDataInTimeWindow​(Variable variable,
                                              java.sql.Timestamp startTime,
                                              java.sql.Timestamp endTime)
        Gets a TimeseriesDataSet containing all the values for the given variable between the given timestamps. If there is any correction available to the data, the data will be corrected according to the correction preferences given.
        variable - - the variable for which to get time series data. This can be extracted using the MetaDataServiceImpl
        startTime - - Start of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object which can be created by Timestamp startTime = Timestamp.valueOf("2012-01-01 12:00:00"); Note this should represent the local time.
        endTime - - End of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object. NOTE the format must be the JDBC escape format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
        the TimeseriesDataSet - REMEMBER in the case of Measurements and Logging - all data is time stamped according to UTC!
      • getDataInTimeWindowAndLastDataPriorToTimeWindowWithinDefaultInterval

        TimeseriesDataSet getDataInTimeWindowAndLastDataPriorToTimeWindowWithinDefaultInterval​(Variable variable,
                                                                                               java.sql.Timestamp startTime,
                                                                                               java.sql.Timestamp endTime)
        Gets a TimeseriesDataSet containing the timeseries data for the given Variable between the given Java Timestamp objects and the last data point prior to the start timestamp given. If there is any correction available to the data, the data will be corrected according to the correction preferences given.
        variable - - the variable for which to get time series data. This can be extracted using the MetaDataServiceImpl
        startTime - - Start of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object which can be created by Timestamp startTime = Timestamp.valueOf("2012-01-01 12:00:00"); Note this should represent the local time.
        endTime - - End of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object. NOTE the format must be the JDBC escape format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
        the TimeseriesDataSet - REMEMBER in the case of Measurements and Logging - all data is time stamped according to UTC!
      • getDataInTimeWindowOrLastDataPriorToWindowWithinUserInterval

        TimeseriesDataSet getDataInTimeWindowOrLastDataPriorToWindowWithinUserInterval​(Variable variable,
                                                                                       java.sql.Timestamp startTime,
                                                                                       java.sql.Timestamp endTime,
                                                                                       LoggingTimeInterval searchInterval)
        Gets a TimeseriesDataSet containing the timeseries data for the given Variable between the given Java Timestamp objects. If no data is found in the given range, the last available data (only the first value found) is retrieved prior to the start time up to the given data interval. Otherwise it returns null.
        variable - - the variable for which to get time series data. This can be extracted using the MetaDataServiceImpl
        startTime - - Start of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object which can be created by Timestamp startTime = Timestamp.valueOf("2012-01-01 12:00:00"); Note this should represent the local time.
        endTime - - End of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object. NOTE the format must be the JDBC escape format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
        searchInterval - - The interval constant within which to search for the last data (hour, day, week , month, year) this is represented by a LoggingTimeInterval enum which can be found at LoggingTimeInterval
        the TimeseriesDataSet - REMEMBER in the case of Measurements and Logging - all data is time stamped according to UTC!
      • getDataFilteredByTimestamps

        TimeseriesDataSet getDataFilteredByTimestamps​(Variable variable,
                                                      java.util.List<java.sql.Timestamp> ts)
        Gets a timeseriesDataSet which has been filtered so that it only contains datapoints whose timestamp is in the list of timestamps.
        variable - - the variable for which to get time series data. This can be extracted using the MetaDataServiceImpl
        ts - - list of Java Timestamp objects to filter the data against. Timestamp objects can be created by Timestamp startTime = Timestamp.valueOf("2012-01-01 12:00:00"); Note this should represent the local time.
        the TimeseriesDataSet - REMEMBER in the case of Measurements and Logging - all data is time stamped according to UTC!
      • getDataInTimeWindowOrLastDataPriorToWindowWithinDefaultInterval

        TimeseriesDataSet getDataInTimeWindowOrLastDataPriorToWindowWithinDefaultInterval​(Variable variable,
                                                                                          java.sql.Timestamp startTime,
                                                                                          java.sql.Timestamp endTime)
        Gets a TimeseriesDataSet containing the timeseries data for the given Variable between the given Java Timestamp objects. If no data is found in the given range, the last available data (only the first value found) is retrieved prior to the start time up to one year. Otherwise it returns null.
        variable - - the variable for which to get time series data. This can be extracted using the MetaDataServiceImpl
        startTime - - Start of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object which can be created by Timestamp startTime = Timestamp.valueOf("2012-01-01 12:00:00"); Note this should represent the local time.
        endTime - - End of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object. NOTE the format must be the JDBC escape format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
        the TimeseriesDataSet - REMEMBER in the case of Measurements and Logging - all data is time stamped according to UTC!
      • getDataInTimeWindowFilteredByValues

        TimeseriesDataSet getDataInTimeWindowFilteredByValues​(Variable variable,
                                                              java.sql.Timestamp startTime,
                                                              java.sql.Timestamp endTime,
                                                              Filter variableFilters)
        Gets a TimeseriesDataSet containing the timeseries data for the given Variable between the given timestamps, and value filtered according to the given variableFilters. If there is no value filter for the variable, or of the variable is of type NUMERIC_STATUS or FUNDAMENTAL, The an unfiltered data set will be returned.
        variable - - the variable for which to get time series data. This can be extracted using the MetaDataServiceImpl
        startTime - - Start of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object which can be created by Timestamp startTime = Timestamp.valueOf("2012-01-01 12:00:00"); Note this should represent the local time.
        endTime - - End of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object. NOTE the format must be the JDBC escape format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
        variableFilters - - Object containing information required to allow value filtering this object can be found at cern.accsoft.backport.extr.domain.core.timeseriesdata.filter.value.VariableValueFilterProperties;
        the TimeseriesDataSet - REMEMBER in the case of Measurements and Logging - all data is time stamped according to UTC!
      • getDataInFixedIntervals

        TimeseriesDataSet getDataInFixedIntervals​(Variable variable,
                                                  java.sql.Timestamp startTime,
                                                  java.sql.Timestamp endTime,
                                                  TimescalingProperties timescaleProperties)
        Gets a TimeseriesDataSet containing the timeseries data for the given Variable between the given timestamps. The data will be scaled, so that returned values and timestamps will be derived from the available data, according to the given algorithm and frequency. See cern.accsoft.backport.extr.domain.core.constants for the available scaling ScaleFrequency and ScaleAlgorithm.
        variable - - the variable for which to get time series data. This can be extracted using the MetaDataServiceImpl
        startTime - - Start of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object which can be created by Timestamp startTime = Timestamp.valueOf("2012-01-01 12:00:00"); Note this should represent the local time.
        endTime - - End of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object. NOTE the format must be the JDBC escape format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
        timescaleProperties - - Object representing the scale algorithm and frequency to be applied, This object can be found at TimescalingProperties
        the TimeseriesDataSet - REMEMBER in the case of Measurements and Logging - all data is time stamped according to UTC!
      • getVariableStatisticsOverMultipleVariablesInTimeWindow

        VariableStatisticsSet getVariableStatisticsOverMultipleVariablesInTimeWindow​(VariableSet variables,
                                                                                     java.sql.Timestamp startTime,
                                                                                     java.sql.Timestamp endTime)
        Gets a VariableStatisticsSet of VariableStatistics for the Variables in the given VariableSet between the given timestamps. VariableStatistics will include the minimum value and timestamp, maximum value and timestamp, number of values, average value and standard deviation of the values.
        variables - - the variables for which to get statistics. This can be extracted using the MetaDataServiceImpl
        startTime - - Start of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object which can be created by Timestamp startTime = Timestamp.valueOf("2012-01-01 12:00:00"); Note this should represent the local time.
        endTime - - End of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object. NOTE the format must be the JDBC escape format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
        the variables statistics set
      • getDataHavingMaxValueInTimeWindow

        TimeseriesData getDataHavingMaxValueInTimeWindow​(Variable variable,
                                                         java.sql.Timestamp startTime,
                                                         java.sql.Timestamp endTime)
        Gets a TimeseriesData representing the maximum value of the variable in the range specified. The timestamp of the TimeseriesData represents the UTC time of the maximum value
        variable - - the variable for which to get time series data. This can be extracted using the MetaDataServiceImpl
        startTime - - Start of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object which can be created by Timestamp startTime = Timestamp.valueOf("2012-01-01 12:00:00"); Note this should represent the local time.
        endTime - - End of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object. NOTE the format must be the JDBC escape format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
        The TimeseriesData or null if no data was found in range REMEMBER - in the case of Measurements and Logging - all data is timestamped according to UTC!
      • getVectornumericDataInTimeWindowFilteredByVectorIndices

        TimeseriesDataSet getVectornumericDataInTimeWindowFilteredByVectorIndices​(Variable variable,
                                                                                  java.sql.Timestamp startTime,
                                                                                  java.sql.Timestamp endTime,
                                                                                  int[] indexes)
        Gets a TimeseriesDataSet containing the timeseries data for the given Vector Variable between the given Java Timestamp objects filtered by the list of indexes given.
        variable - - the variable for which to get time series data. This can be extracted using the MetaDataServiceImpl
        startTime - - Start of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object which can be created by Timestamp startTime = Timestamp.valueOf("2012-01-01 12:00:00"); Note this should represent the local time.
        endTime - - End of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object. NOTE the format must be the JDBC escape format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
        indexes - - the list of indexes to filter the vector variable
        the TimeseriesDataSet - REMEMBER in the case of Measurements and Logging - all data is time stamped according to UTC!
      • getLastDataPriorToTimestampWithinDefaultInterval

        TimeseriesData getLastDataPriorToTimestampWithinDefaultInterval​(Variable variable,
                                                                        java.sql.Timestamp timestamp)
        Gets TimeseriesData corresponding to the data available prior to the given timestamp for the given variable (if found up to one year)
        variable - - the variable for which to get time series data. This can be extracted using the MetaDataServiceImpl
        timestamp - - The time which we will get data prior to represented by a Java Timestamp object which can be created by Timestamp stamp = Timestamp.valueOf("2012-01-01 12:00:00"); Note this should represent the local time.
        the TimeseriesData - REMEMBER in the case of Measurements and Logging - all data is time stamped according to UTC!
      • getLastDataPriorToTimestampWithinUserInterval

        TimeseriesData getLastDataPriorToTimestampWithinUserInterval​(Variable variable,
                                                                     java.sql.Timestamp timestamp,
                                                                     LoggingTimeInterval searchInterval)
        Gets a TimeseriesData containing the most recent data for the given Variable within one year prior to the timestamp given
        variable - - the variable for which to get time series data. This can be extracted using the MetaDataServiceImpl
        timestamp - - The time which we will get data prior to represented by a Java Timestamp object which can be created by Timestamp stamp = Timestamp.valueOf("2012-01-01 12:00:00"); Note this should represent the local time.
        searchInterval - - The interval constant within which to search for the last data (hour, day, week , month, year) this is represented by a LoggingTimeInterval enum which can be found at LoggingTimeInterval
        the TimeseriesData - The last data found or null in case of no values available REMEMBER in the case of Measurements and Logging - all data is time stamped according to UTC!
      • getLastDataPriorToNowWithinDefaultInterval

        TimeseriesData getLastDataPriorToNowWithinDefaultInterval​(Variable variable)
        Gets a TimeseriesData corresponding to the last data available for the given variable within one year prior to the current time
        variable - - the variable for which to get time series data. This can be extracted using the MetaDataServiceImpl
        the TimeseriesData - The last data found or null in case of no values available REMEMBER in the case of Measurements and Logging - all data is time stamped according to UTC!
      • getLastDataPriorToNowWithinUserInterval

        TimeseriesData getLastDataPriorToNowWithinUserInterval​(Variable variable,
                                                               LoggingTimeInterval searchInterval)
        Gets a TimeseriesData corresponding to the last data available for the given variable within the user defined interval prior to the current time
        variable - - the variable for which to get time series data. This can be extracted using the MetaDataServiceImpl
        searchInterval - - The interval constant within which to search for the last data (hour, day, week , month, year) this is represented by a LoggingTimeInterval enum which can be found at LoggingTimeInterval
        the TimeseriesData - The last data found or null in case of no values available REMEMBER in the case of Measurements and Logging - all data is time stamped according to UTC!
      • getNextDataAfterTimestampWithinDefaultInterval

        TimeseriesData getNextDataAfterTimestampWithinDefaultInterval​(Variable variable,
                                                                      java.sql.Timestamp timestamp)
        Gets a TimeseriesData containing the first data for the given Variable up to one year after the timestamp defined.
        variable - - the variable for which to get time series data. This can be extracted using the MetaDataServiceImpl
        timestamp - - The time which we will get data prior to represented by a Java Timestamp object which can be created by Timestamp stamp = Timestamp.valueOf("2012-01-01 12:00:00"); Note this should represent the local time.
        the TimeseriesData - REMEMBER in the case of Measurements and Logging - all data is time stamped according to UTC!
      • getNextDataAfterTimestampWithinUserInterval

        TimeseriesData getNextDataAfterTimestampWithinUserInterval​(Variable variable,
                                                                   java.sql.Timestamp timestamp,
                                                                   LoggingTimeInterval searchInterval)
        Gets a TimeseriesData containing the first data for the given Variable up to the user defined interval after the timestamp defined.
        variable - - the variable for which to get time series data. This can be extracted using the MetaDataServiceImpl
        timestamp - - The time which we will get data prior to represented by a Java Timestamp object which can be created by Timestamp stamp = Timestamp.valueOf("2012-01-01 12:00:00"); Note this should represent the local time.
        searchInterval - - The interval constant within which to search for the last data (hour, day, week , month, year) this is represented by a LoggingTimeInterval enum which can be found at LoggingTimeInterval
        the TimeseriesData - REMEMBER in the case of Measurements and Logging - all data is time stamped according to UTC!
      • getDataForVariableAggregated

        TimeseriesData getDataForVariableAggregated​(Variable variable,
                                                    java.sql.Timestamp startTime,
                                                    java.sql.Timestamp endTime,
                                                    ScaleAlgorithm algorithm)
        Gets a TimeseriesDataSet representing the aggregated values of the variable in the range according to the algorithm specified. The timestamp of the TimeseriesData represents the minimum timestamp found in the range. The Java Timestamp objects should represent the LOCAL time. For example, to query data between 12:00 01/01/2009 UTC and 14:00 01/01/2009 UTC the Java Timestamp objects to be passed to this method can be established as follows: Timestamp startTime = Timestamp.valueOf("2009-01-01 12:00:00"); Timestamp endTime = Timestamp.valueOf("2009-01-01 14:00:00"); NOTE the format must be the JDBC escape format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
        variable - - the variables for which to get time series data. This can be extracted using the MetaDataServiceImpl
        startTime - - Start of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object which can be created by Timestamp startTime = Timestamp.valueOf("2012-01-01 12:00:00"); Note this should represent the local time.
        endTime - - End of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object. NOTE the format must be the JDBC escape format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
        algorithm - The algorithm to be applied (only ScaleAlgorithm.COUNT, ScaleAlgorithm.AVG or ScaleAlgorithm.SUM are supported)
        The TimeseriesData or null if no data was found in range REMEMBER - in the case of Measurements and Logging - all data is timestamped according to UTC!
      • getMultiColumnDataAlignedToTimestamps

        MultiColumnTimeseriesDataSet getMultiColumnDataAlignedToTimestamps​(VariableSet variables,
                                                                           TimeseriesDataSet drivingDataSet)
        Gets a MultiColumnTimeseriesDataSet containing for the given variable with timestamps which correspond to timestamps from the drivingDataSet. If there is no value which corresponds to a timestamp from the drivingDataSet the previous value for the variable in the database will be given the stamp and added to the TimeseriesDataSet. The data for all Variable objects in the given VariableSet is grouped by timestamp.
        variables - - the variable for which to get time series data. This can be extracted using the MetaDataServiceImpl
        drivingDataSet - - TimeseriesDataSet used to provide the timestamps which are used to determine the timestamps in the returned TimeseriesDataSet.
        the MultiColumnTimeseriesDataSet - REMEMBER in the case of Measurements and Logging - all data is time stamped according to UTC!
      • getMultiColumnDataInTimeWindow

        MultiColumnTimeseriesDataSet getMultiColumnDataInTimeWindow​(VariableSet variables,
                                                                    java.sql.Timestamp startTime,
                                                                    java.sql.Timestamp endTime)
        Gets a MultiColumnTimeseriesDataSet containing all the values for the given variable between the given timestamps. If there is any correction available to the data, the data will be corrected according to the correction preferences given. The data for all Variable objects in the given VariableSet is grouped by timestamp.
        variables - - the variable for which to get time series data. This can be extracted using the MetaDataServiceImpl
        startTime - - Start of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object which can be created by Timestamp startTime = Timestamp.valueOf("2012-01-01 12:00:00"); Note this should represent the local time.
        endTime - - End of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object. NOTE the format must be the JDBC escape format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
        the MultiColumnTimeseriesDataSet - REMEMBER in the case of Measurements and Logging - all data is time stamped according to UTC!
      • getMultiColumnDataInFixedIntervals

        MultiColumnTimeseriesDataSet getMultiColumnDataInFixedIntervals​(VariableSet variables,
                                                                        java.sql.Timestamp startTime,
                                                                        java.sql.Timestamp endTime,
                                                                        TimescalingProperties timescaleProperties)
        Gets a MultiColumnTimeseriesDataSet containing the timeseries data for the given Variable between the given timestamps. The data will be scaled, so that returned values and timestamps will be derived from the available data, according to the given algorithm and frequency. See cern.accsoft.backport.extr.domain.core.constants for the available scaling ScaleFrequency and ScaleAlgorithm. The data for all Variable objects in the given VariableSet is grouped by timestamp.
        variables - - the variable for which to get time series data. This can be extracted using the MetaDataServiceImpl
        startTime - - Start of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object which can be created by Timestamp startTime = Timestamp.valueOf("2012-01-01 12:00:00"); Note this should represent the local time.
        endTime - - End of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object. NOTE the format must be the JDBC escape format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
        timescaleProperties - - Object representing the scale algorithm and frequency to be applied, This object can be found at TimescalingProperties
        the MultiColumnTimeseriesDataSet - REMEMBER in the case of Measurements and Logging - all data is time stamped according to UTC!
      • getJVMHeapSizeEstimationForDataInTimeWindow

        double getJVMHeapSizeEstimationForDataInTimeWindow​(Variable variable,
                                                           java.sql.Timestamp startTime,
                                                           java.sql.Timestamp endTime,
                                                           VariableSet fundamentals,
                                                           TimescalingProperties timescaleProperties)
        Estimates the data size of the request in MB. The limit is currently set in TimeseriesAccessConstants.DATA_REQUEST_SIZE_MAX_MB to 250MB. If the request represents more than 250MB, it should be split in smaller time windows
        variable - - the variables for which to get time series data. This can be extracted using the MetaDataServiceImpl
        startTime - - Start of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object which can be created by Timestamp startTime = Timestamp.valueOf("2012-01-01 12:00:00"); Note this should represent the local time.
        endTime - - End of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object. NOTE the format must be the JDBC escape format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
        fundamentals - - The fundamentals filters if it is fundamental filtered, use null if there is no fundamental filters
        timescaleProperties - - Object representing the scale algorithm and frequency to be applied, This object can be found at TimescalingProperties use null if query is not time scaled.
        The data size estimation in MB
      • getMaxVectornumericElementCountInTimeWindow

        int getMaxVectornumericElementCountInTimeWindow​(Variable variable,
                                                        java.sql.Timestamp startTime,
                                                        java.sql.Timestamp endTime)
        Gets the size (number of points in the vector) of the given Vectornumeric Variable objects data between the given timestamps (use ISO format of 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.fff')
        variable - - the variables for which to get time series data. This can be extracted using the MetaDataServiceImpl
        startTime - - Start of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object which can be created by Timestamp startTime = Timestamp.valueOf("2012-01-01 12:00:00"); Note this should represent the local time.
        endTime - - End of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object. NOTE the format must be the JDBC escape format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
        the maximum size of the vectornumeric data in the time window
      • getDataForSnapshot

        java.util.List<TimeseriesDataSet> getDataForSnapshot​(java.lang.String snapshotName,
                                                             java.lang.String owner)
        Gets relevant data from the given snapshot. The snapshot name + owner pair must be unique. Only snapshots are supported.
        snapshotName - - the snapshot name
        owner - - the snapshot owner
        collection of timeseries data; empty list if there's no data for the given snapshot criteria
        java.lang.RuntimeException - when there's no snapshot with the given name
      • getDataForSnapshot

        java.util.List<TimeseriesDataSet> getDataForSnapshot​(java.lang.String snapshotName,
                                                             java.lang.String owner,
                                                             ClientSelectionDataCriteria criteria)
        Gets relevant data from the given snapshot. The snapshot name + owner pair must be unique. Only snapshots are supported. The @param criteria argument allows to override some criteria selection settings. For the moment however only the time window related ones are supported
        snapshotName - - the snapshot name
        owner - - the snapshot owner
        criteria - - overriden criteria; currently only the time window related ones are supported
        collection of timeseries data; empty list if there's no data for the given snapshot criteria
        java.lang.RuntimeException - when there's no snapshot with the given name
      • getFundamentalDataInTimeWindowWithFundamentalNamesLikePattern

        TimeseriesDataSet getFundamentalDataInTimeWindowWithFundamentalNamesLikePattern​(java.lang.String filterFundamentalName,
                                                                                        java.sql.Timestamp startTime,
                                                                                        java.sql.Timestamp endTime)
        Gets a TimeseriesData Set representing the fundamental data within the given time window and with a name matching the given pattern. This implementation is limited to the pattern matching ACC:LSA_CYCLE:TIMING_USER only.
        filterFundamentalName - - pattern used to match to the fundamental variable names against % = wildcard.
        startTime - - Start of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object which can be created by Timestamp startTime = Timestamp.valueOf("2012-01-01 12:00:00"); Note this should represent the local time.
        endTime - - End of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object. NOTE the format must be the JDBC escape format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
        TimeseriesDataSet of fundamental data
      • getDataDistribution

        TimeseriesDataSet getDataDistribution​(Variable variable,
                                              java.sql.Timestamp startTime,
                                              java.sql.Timestamp endTime)
        Gets a TimeseriesDataSet containing only the timestamps for a given variable with the given value with the value replaced with the value passed.
        variable - - the variable for which to get time series data. This can be extracted using the MetaDataServiceImpl
        startTime - - Start of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object which can be created by Timestamp startTime = Timestamp.valueOf("2012-01-01 12:00:00"); Note this should represent the local time .
        endTime - - End of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object. NOTE the format must be the JDBC escape format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
        the TimeseriesDataSet - REMEMBER in the case of Measurements and Logging - all data is time stamped according to UTC!
      • getDataDistributionInTimewindowForBinsNumber

        DataDistributionBinSet getDataDistributionInTimewindowForBinsNumber​(Variable variable,
                                                                            java.sql.Timestamp startTime,
                                                                            java.sql.Timestamp endTime,
                                                                            int binsNumber)
        Returs data distribution (quantitity of values in calculated data ranges). As a argument bin number is given- this argument specifies how many intervals should be returned. Size of each bin is calculated dynamically, based on range of given data and number of bins.
        variable - - the variables for which calculate data distribution. This can be extracted using the MetaDataServiceImpl
        startTime - - Start of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object which can be created by Timestamp startTime = Timestamp.valueOf("2012-01-01 12:00:00"); Note this should represent the local time.
        endTime - - End of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object. NOTE the format must be the JDBC escape format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
        binsNumber - number of value intervals.
        Collections of objects containing bottom, top limit and number of values in given range.
      • getVariableStatisticsOverTimeWindowFilteredByFundamentals

        VariableStatisticsSet getVariableStatisticsOverTimeWindowFilteredByFundamentals​(VariableSet variables,
                                                                                        java.sql.Timestamp startTime,
                                                                                        java.sql.Timestamp endTime,
                                                                                        VariableSet fundamentals)
        Gets a VariableStatisticsSet of VariableStatistics for the Variables in the given VariableSet between the given timestamps filtered by fundamentals. VariableStatistics will include the minimum value and timestamp, maximum value and timestamp, number of values, average value and standard deviation of the values.
        variables - - the variables for which to get statistics. This can be extracted using the MetaDataServiceImpl
        startTime - - Start of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object which can be created by Timestamp startTime = Timestamp.valueOf("2012-01-01 12:00:00"); Note this should represent the local time.
        endTime - - End of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object. NOTE the format must be the JDBC escape format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
        fundamentals - - Fundamental variableSet to filter results with. This can be extracted using the MetaDataServiceImpl
        the variable stats
      • getDataInTimeWindowOrLastDataPriorToWindowWithinUserIntervalFiltered

        TimeseriesDataSet getDataInTimeWindowOrLastDataPriorToWindowWithinUserIntervalFiltered​(Variable variable,
                                                                                               java.sql.Timestamp startTime,
                                                                                               java.sql.Timestamp endTime,
                                                                                               LoggingTimeInterval interval,
                                                                                               Filter filter)
        INFO: moved from internal API Gets a TimeseriesDataSet containing the timeseries data for the given Variable between the given Java Timestamp objects filtered by a filter. If no data exists then return the last data point prior to the start timestamp given within the user defined interval. If there is any correction available to the data, the data will be corrected according to the correction preferences given.
        variable - - the variable for which to get time series data. This can be extracted using the MetaDataServiceImpl
        startTime - - Start of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object which can be created by Timestamp startTime = Timestamp.valueOf("2012-01-01 12:00:00"); Note this should represent the local time.
        endTime - - End of the required time window represented by a Java Timestamp object. NOTE the format must be the JDBC escape format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
        interval - - The interval constant within which to search for the last data (hour, day, week , month, year) this is represented by a LoggingTimeInterval enum which can be found at LoggingTimeInterval
        filter - - filter to filter out results with.
        the TimeseriesDataSet - REMEMBER in the case of Measurements and Logging - all data is time stamped according to UTC!